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Top 10 Basic Income Articles of 2018

As a moderator of the /r/BasicIncome subreddit, I read a lot of links every year about UBI, probably around 100 per month. Once again, as I did last year, I've compiled a list of the ten articles/papers/reports I consider the most important to read out

Top 10 Basic Income Articles of 2018
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Standing on Shoulders

On November 17, 2018, a true human being named Gerald Huff died of pancreatic cancer []. He was a fellow basic income advocate and a friend. Like me, he was passionate about UBI, so much so that he had been working

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What People Get Most Wrong About Unconditional Basic Income

Prospect Magazine approached me to write an article for them about what people get most wrong about unconditional basic income [] . It was published on December 3, 2018. As it exists behind a soft paywall, the full article can be found below. You can

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The Zombification of Intellectual Property and the Tool That Could Finally Reform It

How IP-Funded Basic Income Could Enrich the Public Domain You know what a zombie is, right? Do you know why you know? You know because of a mistake that threw Night of the Living Dead freely into the public domain, bypassing all standard copyright protections. Purely by accident, George Romero’

The Zombification of Intellectual Property and the Tool That Could Finally Reform It
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Doug Ford Cancelled Ontario’s Basic Income Pilot Experiment Because It Was Working

Ontario should demand the completion of the OBIP experiment in the name of empirical evidence and human research ethics Update: Since my publication of this article, two [] surveys [

Doug Ford Cancelled Ontario’s Basic Income Pilot Experiment Because It Was Working
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What We Need to Truly Thrive: Democracy and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)

The text below is a speech I wrote for a keynote in Ireland for DemCon 2018. The PowerPoint I created for it is also available here [] . > “Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.” — Frank Herbert, Dune Fear…

What We Need to Truly Thrive: Democracy and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)
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Basic Income Guarantee Would Provide Economic Security

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said it best during a November 1967 lecture, “We are demanding an emergency program to provide employment for everyone in need of a job, or if a work program is impractical, a guaranteed annual income at levels that sustain life in decent circumstances. It is

Basic Income Guarantee Would Provide Economic Security
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One Thing to Build a More Open World: Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)

The video below was created for The Economist's Open Future contest [] where everyone has one minute to change the world. This is my minute. The one thing I would change is no power to say NO... No. I will not work for

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Unconditional Basic Income Would Fix a Major Flaw in Markets

Do you like markets? Well, whether you like them or not, they're pretty effective in most cases. The ability for two people to make an exchange where both feel they leave the exchange better off than prior to the exchange is a powerful thing. It's a

Unconditional Basic Income Would Fix a Major Flaw in Markets
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The Monsters, Inc. Argument for Unconditional Basic Income

Every year since 2002 [], there is a North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress [] held in either the US or Canada. On the eve of this year’s NABIG in Hamilton, Ontario [

The Monsters, Inc. Argument for Unconditional Basic Income