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Cutting the Gordian Knot of Technological Unemployment with Unconditional Basic Income

Invisible Sheep, the Missing Right, and the Return of Common Wealth The following essay is a pre-edited and updated version of my chapter published in the book: Surviving the Machine Age [], published by Palgrave Macmillan. In the opening of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, viewers

Cutting the Gordian Knot of Technological Unemployment with Unconditional Basic Income
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Is the solution to extreme wealth inequality really – Alaska?

This article was originally published on the World Economic Forum [] Consider the following two headlines and the fact they describe events that are occurring simultaneously: “Grains piled on runways, parking lots, fields amid global glut []” and

Is the solution to extreme wealth inequality really – Alaska?
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Basic Income is JUST Compensation

Let's say the cost to produce a widget is $1. What's the cost to produce 1 million widgets? This may sound like an extremely simple word problem that even some preschoolers could solve. However, if you think the answer is $1 million, you would be entirely

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What if you got $1,000 a month, just for being alive? I decided to find out.

My father has a basic income. As a retired United States Air Force officer, he has received a paycheck from the US government every month for about 30 years now, since he was 42 years old. His government pension is a monthly starting point above the poverty line — an income

What if you got $1,000 a month, just for being alive? I decided to find out.
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Basic Income and Soylent

Many of you reading this already know this, but for those who don't, I have a crowdfunded basic income. This means that I start every month with $1,000 as my absolute minimum for the month no matter what. I'm free to then earn any amount

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Love, Loss, and a Greater Society

On February 4th, I lost one of my closest friends I’ve ever had. Because I’ve always worked at home, we were together virtually 24 hours a day for almost 13 years. He felt like a part of me. His name was Stormy Waters and he was my dog.

Love, Loss, and a Greater Society
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Why We Should All Have a Basic Income

Consider for a moment that from this day forward, on the first day of every month, around $1,000 is deposited into your bank account — because you are a citizen. This income is independent of every other source of income and guarantees you a monthly starting salary above the poverty

Why We Should All Have a Basic Income
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Top 10 Basic Income Articles of 2016

As a moderator of the /r/BasicIncome subreddit, I read a lot of links about the idea of basic income on a daily basis. If I were to guess a number for the quantity of them I read in 2016 that somehow involved or alluded to the idea of basic

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In the 21st century, all roads appear to lead to universal basic income

The idea of unconditionally providing all citizens an income floor sufficient for existence — a basic income [] — looks to be at the intersection of an unstoppable congruence of events involving accelerating automation, growing inequality, the fragmentation of work, and the rise of the sharing economy. First, automation

In the 21st century, all roads appear to lead to universal basic income
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A Basic Income Sermon for Christians

For some who are new to the idea of universal basic income, it may reflexively strike them as being somehow immoral. Be it seen as a form of theft [] , or in violation of the Protestant work ethic, or just plain feeling wrong [http://www.scottsantens.

A Basic Income Sermon for Christians