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If You Want to Pass Stuff Like TPP... We're Going to Need Basic Income

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) [] is a "free trade [] " treaty that at this point may be Dead on Arrival (DOA) [] (though the loss is not guaranteed). If

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A Game of Musical Chairs Over Hot Coals

There's a common belief that people who don't have jobs somehow just aren't trying hard enough, and this belief is therefore based on the idea that there are enough jobs for everyone. To get a job, all one really needs to do is just

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Do We Have Enough Space Bucks?

Possibly the most frequently asked question of all by those newly introduced to the idea of a truly universal and unconditional basic income is essentially: That sounds way too expensive... Can we actually afford such an idea? Now, others have responded to this question conceptually, and I've even

Do We Have Enough Space Bucks?
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The Basic Affordability of Basic Income

This is actually even what the richest should want, because although they would pay more in taxes for universal basic income, leaving them a slightly thinner although still very thick slice of the overall pie, the slice of the pie itself would grow, leaving even them better off as well.

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Self-Driving Trucks Are Going to Hit Us Like a Human-Driven Truck

The imminent need for basic income in recognition of our machine-driven future Late last year, I took a road trip with my partner from our home in New Orleans, Louisiana to Orlando, Florida and as we drove by town after town, we got to talking about the potential effects self-driving

Self-Driving Trucks Are Going to Hit Us Like a Human-Driven Truck
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Basic Income as Paid Parental Leave

Once again John Oliver has shone a light on something important we tend to not discuss, and that is the way we in the United States collectively treat those who just gave birth. We force them right back to work. That part at the end... where they show the mothers

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Basic Income Day is a Great Idea, and Especially on May Day!

In a recent opinion piece [] published on May 2nd, Jurgen De Wispelaere made a case for the need to change Basic Income Day [] to a date other than May 1st. As the organizer of the Reddit Basic Income community

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A Basic Income Day Toolkit

Happy Basic Income Day, everyone []! (<--  you're definitely going to want to read this) To all basic income supporters, there are some actions taking place today that are important to be aware of for those who would like to take part,

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Motherboard interview about Basic Income Day

Brian Merchant of Motherboard contacted me in regards to doing a piece about Basic Income Day and the successful campaign [] I've organized with the help of /r/BasicIncome [] and our international friends behind [http:

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What America Spends Per Citizen Per Year

(This is an excerpt from my piece titled "How We Can Transform America’s Broken Economic System to Work for EVERYONE". You can read it in full on Medium. Per citizen calculations are based on 92.8% of the US population being legal citizens.) The following is a

What America Spends Per Citizen Per Year