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Robot Overlordz Podcast Appearance

I was asked recently to be the guest for an episode of the Robot Overlordz podcast. As of today, the ep's now available to listen to over here []. My thanks to the guys over at Robot Overlordz for having me on the show!

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What I've observed since 2013 in the discussion about a basic income guarantee

As I publish this on the eve of the 14th Annual North American Basic Income Congress in New York this weekend [], which I will be attending thanks to the amazing support from my patrons [], and even heading

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Guess What Happened When Liberia Tested a Pilot Program of Cash Transfers to the Extreme Poor in Bomi

I'm always on the lookout for more scientific evidence of what happens when people are provided cash incomes unconditionally. Recently I found something new, a pilot program tested in Bomi and Maryland Counties in Liberia [] that started in 2009

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“If we no longer force people to work to meet their basic needs, won’t they stop working?”

Acknowledging our one option society What underlies a question like this is that it’s okay to force people to work by withholding what they need to live, in order to force them to work for us. And at the same time, because they are forced, we don’t even

“If we no longer force people to work to meet their basic needs, won’t they stop working?”
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Is It Actually Possible to Live on a Basic Income of $12,000 Per Year?

As you may already know, I'm actively crowdfunding a basic income of $12,000 per year, and am currently about 20% of the way there []. (Thank you, Patreon patrons []!) I chose this amount because I advocate

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Debunking the Debunking of "Humans Need Not Apply" and More

This gif [] is the kind of imagery that gets our attention and gets us all wondering [] about what is going to happen to the people who did these jobs now being done by

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Universal Basic Income as the Social Vaccine of the 21st Century

Can the savings of basic income exceed the costs? > “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” — Benjamin Franklin [] For those not familiar with this old idiom, it means it’s less costly to avoid problems from ever happening in the

Universal Basic Income as the Social Vaccine of the 21st Century
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Why should adults with kids get more basic income?

This is a question that shows a particular perspective in the very way it's framed. What about this question instead: "Why should kids get basic incomes too, and not just adults?" They might look like they are basically the same, but they contain different viewpoints. Here&

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The Potential Effects of a Universal Basic Income Guarantee on Student Loans

Yes, it's true. I actually made this post's Futurama-inspired image recently to celebrate my life's most recent milestone at age thirty-seven, and it climbed to the front page of Reddit. The fact it was upvoted by almost 4,000 people I think says something.

The Potential Effects of a Universal Basic Income Guarantee on Student Loans
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What We Can Learn About Systems from W. Edwards Deming

Japan arose like a phoenix from the ruins of World War II to quickly become the second most powerful economy in the world. This unbelievable feat has been called an “economic miracle [].” Do you know how they did it? The answer