Did Spain's B-MINCOME Experiment Prove That Unconditional Basic Income Doesn't Work?
Between 2017 and 2019, in the city of Barcelona, an experiment in the provision of monthly cash happened. It was called B-MINCOME. The original intent of the experiment was to test unconditional basic income to gather evidence for a nationwide universal basic income, but the pilot was put through the

ChatGPT Has Already Decreased My Income Security, and Likely Yours Too
Note: You can also listen to this post thanks to an AI I trained with my voice Most of you have by now heard of ChatGPT already, but if you haven't, first I'm happy to hear you're out of your coma, and second, it&

How Money is Born out of Public Spending and Dies by Taxes
If there's one thing most people don't seem to understand about how money works that I think would really help governments work better in the 21st century, it's that money does not flow in the way we perceive it does. It's an

The FairTax Would Implement a Universal Basic Income
Anyone who supports the FairTax and its monthly 'prebate' also supports UBI even if they swear otherwise Basic income. $279 every month. Tax free money from the government. No work requirements. No income-testing. For every legal resident of the United States, every month, with additional income for kids

One Year After the Expiration of the Enhanced Child Tax Credit, What All Have We Learned About Its Effects?
Summary: The monthly Child Tax Credit payments did not reduce employment, but what they did do was reduce hunger and increase entrepreneurship, and if made permanent would likely generate far greater benefits than its cost, and reduce domestic abuse of women and children. 2022 has come to a close, and

The Spaceballs Argument for Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)
There is an argument frequently made against the concept of unconditional basic income (UBI) that essentially goes like this: "Life requires work. You can't just expect to live without work, and it's wrong for someone to live off the work of others. So UBI has

No, Universal Basic Income Does Not Require Tax Rates of 40 to 60 Percent
Lots of news articles are being written about a new study in Ireland of UBI, and as usual, the discussion is misinforming, as is the study itself. I responded with a long thread on Twitter. Here's that thread in blog form and slightly expanded upon. Today we published

The Gift-Giving Argument for Universal Basic Income
As I write this, Christmas is right around the corner again, and I think it's time I finally write this article that has been in my head for years now as an argument for the universal part of universal basic income. In short, the entire point of the
Is Unconditional Basic Income a Trap Being Laid by Global Elites to Control and Enslave Us All?
2023 will mark ten years of my advocating hard for unconditional basic income. At this point, one of the things that annoys me most is the new claim from conspiracy-fueled people that the rich and powerful fully support UBI and want to use it to make a subservient population. First

The BIG Picture of Money, Economics, and Humanity
The following is the speech I gave at the 2022 BIG Conference on the day Roe vs Wade was overturned. If you prefer, you can also listen to the recorded audio. I apologize in advance for kind of running in the red today. Like in Pulp Fiction, I'm