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Incoming! How UBI could change work (and the world)

The following is an excerpt from the 2022 report by Indeed titled "Future of compensation: Pay, benefits and equity in the UK workplace." This excerpt is based on an interview I did in August as part of the report's preparation. The idea, of a universally provided

Incoming! How UBI could change work (and the world)
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The Toothpaste Argument for Universal Basic Income

The following argument is based on the words of the late Götz Werner, who was a long-time supporter of the concept of unconditional basic income in Germany, who gained a unique understanding of UBI as a successful businessman and billionaire co-founder of the drugstore chain “dm,” and who passed away

The Toothpaste Argument for Universal Basic Income
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Today’s Child Tax Credit Versus the Family Security Act 2.0

Summary: An analysis by the Niskanen Center of the changes FSA2 proposes concluded that poverty would drop by 13%. It would lift more than 1.1 million kids out of poverty and that’s without raising any new taxes and instead just spending what we already spend, but differently. The

Today’s Child Tax Credit Versus the Family Security Act 2.0
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How the Baby Formula Crisis Helps Show the Difference Between Cash and Benefits-in-Kind

Summary: I think some kind of compromise between Democrats and Republicans along such lines is something that deserves serious consideration as a response to the baby formula shortage. If we can reduce child poverty while also helping to prevent another baby formula shortage, plus give moms more individual freedom to

How the Baby Formula Crisis Helps Show the Difference Between Cash and Benefits-in-Kind
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How to Calculate the Cost of Universal Basic Income (Hint: It's Not As Easy As You Might Think)

I've written about this before, about how the cost of universal basic income is its net cost, not its gross cost, but because this question of the cost of UBI is so frequently raised, and so frequently misunderstood, I'm going to attempt to explain this in

How to Calculate the Cost of Universal Basic Income (Hint: It's Not As Easy As You Might Think)
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How the Monthly Child Tax Credit Reduced the Level of Desperation in America

With the enhanced CTC, fewer parents resorted to selling their blood plasma and paying 391% interest rates in order to feed and house their families Money is protection. When we have enough of it, it can be an all-purpose shield, able to protect us from all kinds of things. Protection

How the Monthly Child Tax Credit Reduced the Level of Desperation in America
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No, Ukraine did not just introduce Universal Basic Income. Here is what it did do.

On December 19, 2021, Ukraine launched “ePidtrymka” which translates to eSupport. It was launched on Diia which is a smartphone app and web portal that itself was launched in February 2020 to function as a means of storing and sharing digital versions of documents, and also making government services available

No, Ukraine did not just introduce Universal Basic Income. Here is what it did do.
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The Monthly Child Tax Credit Gave Birth to New Entrepreneurs

It’s no coincidence that during the pandemic, entrepreneurship increased in the United States by 23%, which was more than any other advanced economy. Capital Requirements Bottleneck Small Business Formation They say necessity is the mother of invention, but what they don’t say in the same breath is that

The Monthly Child Tax Credit Gave Birth to New Entrepreneurs
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An Introduction to Unconditional Basic Income For All

Let’s talk about humanity... Human civilization was not ready for COVID-19, nor is it ready for the continuing impacts of climate change, nor the impacts we will increasingly feel as we automate more and more employment. As a species, we were not ready. We’re still not ready. And

An Introduction to Unconditional Basic Income For All
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The Rise of Omicron is Grounds for Extending the Monthly Child Tax Credit

The end of CTC payments will also mean the end of employment for some parents, right when times are most difficult due to an Omicron wave. Omicron is Likely the Fastest-Spreading Virus Known to Humankind Omicron is spreading like wildfire across the country, with a doubling rate of about two

The Rise of Omicron is Grounds for Extending the Monthly Child Tax Credit