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Understanding Pandemic Inflation: How to Best Reduce and Alleviate It

It would be a mistake to misdiagnose our inflation as mostly a demand problem instead of mostly a supply problem. Inflation has become the scariest monster of 2021. That’s pretty amazing considering how a novel coronavirus has killed upwards of 20 million human beings since a pandemic started, including

Understanding Pandemic Inflation: How to Best Reduce and Alleviate It
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How Work Requirements are Actually Anti-Work and Why the Fully-Refundable Child Tax Credit is Pro-Work

The fully-refundable CTC is a better way. It needs to stay. Won’t people stop working if they receive income independent of work? That’s always one of the first questions asked in regards to any government benefit that doesn’t require employment or job-seeking in order to receive it.

How Work Requirements are Actually Anti-Work and Why the Fully-Refundable Child Tax Credit is Pro-Work
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Proof of Humanity and the Universal Basic Income Coin

On March 10, 2021, Proof of Humanity’s UBI coin [] went live on the Ethereum Mainnet. For anyone who doesn’t know what that sentence means, it means that a cryptocurrency project  was launched using the most popular smart contract blockchain in the world, with

Proof of Humanity and the Universal Basic Income Coin
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The Forward Book and the Forward Party

Forward is now in bookstores and the Forward Party has just launched! I read Andrew Yang’s new book Forward: Notes on the Future of Our Democracy [] months ago, and have been

The Forward Book and the Forward Party
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The Republican History of the Child Tax Credit and Why the GOP Should Proudly Embrace It

From Reagan, to Bush, to the Contract with America, to George W. Bush, to Trump, the child tax credit is a Republican creation that the GOP should embrace and make permanent On July 15, the first monthly child tax credit (CTC) payments went out, and they’re already being considered

The Republican History of the Child Tax Credit and Why the GOP Should Proudly Embrace It
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New on Vocal: Why We Need Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and Why It Needs Universal Basic Income (UBI)

It's published!!! At just shy of 14,000 words, my latest article is the closest thing to writing a book that I've done so far. Despite its length, it's still meant to be readable like an enjoyable book, and not a heavy academic slog

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Escaping Together

Thoughts about basic income, surviving disasters, and the future we must escape from At some point in all of our lives, we all try to escape from something. There are few things more universal to the human experience than the act of escape, of running from some predator or some

Escaping Together
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Letter to the Editor from a New Orleans evacuee

As published by L'Observateur [] Dear Editor: Between evacuating our homes and fighting over gas for our cars and generators, I know we’ve all got our hands full right now, but that’s exactly why it’s so hard to

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The Eviction Moratorium was Never the Answer. Cash Is.

Trust the American people with the financial freedom to make their own decisions with money. One of those decisions will most certainly be paying the rent or mortgage. The pandemic has been one massive disaster, containing within it a series of more disasters One of those disasters was an epidemic

The Eviction Moratorium was Never the Answer. Cash Is.
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My wife is immunocompromised. That's why I feel so strongly about people getting vaccinated.

Your freedom to do what you want ends at the freedoms of others to not be killed There’s something personal I haven’t shared that I feel I can no longer be silent about, because perhaps it might be helpful as public knowledge, and because I want people to