My #TestifyForUBI Testimony for Congress
The following is the testimony I wrote and recorded on video for Congress on May 18 as part of the #TestifyForUBI campaign. If you would like to take part too, please visit [] and fill out the application form. Please also follow @TestifyForUBI
My Raconteur Interview About UBI
I was interviewed last month for an article published on May 10 for Raconteur, titled "Virus fallout could usher in the UBI era []." The author, Oliver Pickup, asked me a series of questions, and from my answers, a few quotes were selected
May the Force Be With UBI
There is no film I've watched more than Star Wars: A New Hope except for maybe The Empire Strikes Back. If I were to venture a guess as to how many times I've seen each of them, and also Return of the Jedi, all I can
The Future of the United States Depends on the Immediate Adoption of UBI
Without basic income, people will die. With basic income, people will thrive. This article has been translated into Italian [] and Spanish [] . Flatten the curve... We’ve heard that phrase repeatedly as a result of
You Have Been Drafted Into the Great Coronavirus War
GREETING: You are hereby ordered to report for induction into the ARMED FORCES of the UNITED STATES. War has arrived, and over 200,000 of us could die [] . This war, unlike all previous wars, is a war against a
Unconditional Pandemic Security
What I'm about to tell you I only understand because I have a basic income already [] and it's hugely important for everyone to understand right now in this moment of health and economic crisis. $1 ≠ $1
Should We Provide Emergency Universal Basic Income to Everyone or Just Those Who Need It?
The question of means-testing versus full universality in a time of crisis What’s happened in just the past few days with mind-boggling speed is the near certainty now that in the very near future, the United States is going to start cutting checks for some as yet undefined value
Introducing Andrew Yang
I wrote this short speech on January 30 to introduce Andrew Yang at his town hall in Dubuque, Iowa. Photo by Marc Klockow [] of my delivering it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're Yang Gang, there's a good chance you know who I am, and if
The Top Ten Andrew Yang Videos of 2019
As determined by over 350 of the Yang Gang via ranked-choice voting In the final week of 2019, I asked the supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang (otherwise known as the Yang Gang) to let me know their favorite videos of the year with or about him, and to
11 Nobel Prize Winners Who Have Endorsed Universal Basic Income (UBI)
Nine winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and two Nobel Peace Prize winners The idea of an unconditional basic income (UBI) [] floor where everyone starts with the same minimum amount of money as everyone else each month as an economic right of