Wouldn’t Unconditional Basic Income Just Cause Massive Inflation?
An answer to the response to the answer to the growing question of the 21st century By far, the most common concern in regards to my first article on Medium about the idea of an unconditional basic income [] was that all prices would inevitably go

Unearned Income and the Velocity of Money
Two lesser known variables in the inflation equation Exhibit D of Wouldn’t Unconditional Basic Income Just Cause Massive Inflation? [] Two lesser known economic concerns among those who know of them, are possible differences in how we perceive the value of money depending on how
Evidence and More Evidence of the Effect on Inflation of Free Money
From Alaska to Kuwait and Beyond Exhibit A of Wouldn’t Unconditional Basic Income Just Cause Massive Inflation? [] It’s not like we don’t have any evidence of what happens when a lot of money is given universally to a lot of people. Consider

Supply and Demand Variables
How not all basic income effects lead to rising prices Exhibit B of Wouldn’t Unconditional Basic Income Just Cause Massive Inflation? [] To inform inflationary fears on a more academic basis, it’s important to understand the basic variability of supply and demand and how
Google Homes and WikiHouses
Disruptive ideas that can transform housing markets Exhibit C of Wouldn’t Unconditional Basic Income Just Cause Massive Inflation? [] Being that many of us spend the greatest portion of our incomes in one place on rent and that they seem to just go up and

It’s Time We Take a Closer Look at America’s Three Favorite Words: Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy
Freedom, liberty, democracy… these words are used so often that we give them little real thought, rarely holding them up to the realities of what we see around us. What do these words really mean? Do they currently exist for us to celebrate as we appear to think they do?

Machine Labor Day
Tomorrow’s holiday made possible by eliminating our fears of technological unemployment The Labor Movement is back. > “Comparing their campaign to the civil rights movement, fast food workers from across the country voted Saturday to escalate their efforts for $15-an-hour pay and union membership by using nonviolent civil disobedience.

Payday Loan Lenders Are Unstoppable… Or Are They?
The Effects of a Basic Income on Loans and Debt As many may have recently learned from John Oliver in his segment on predatory lending, there appears to be no stopping the viral Whac-A-Mole nature of payday loan lenders. For those who missed this infuriatingly informative yet still hilarious segment,

Why Should We Support the Idea of an Unconditional Basic Income?
An answer to a growing question of the 21st century What would you do? So what exactly would you do, if you were guaranteed $1,000 per month for the rest of your life? And yes, that’s around what the amount would most likely be here in the United