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Top 10 Universal Basic Income Articles of 2024

As the editor of Basic Income Today and a moderator for the Basic Income subreddit, I read a lot of stuff every year about UBI, somewhere around 100 articles a month. Below, I've compiled a list of the top ten articles I consider my favorites out of everything

Top 10 Universal Basic Income Articles of 2024
Members Public

Top 10 Universal Basic Income Articles of 2023

As the editor of Basic Income Today and a moderator for the Basic Income subreddit, I read a lot of stuff every year about UBI, somewhere around 100 articles a month. Below, I've compiled a list of the top ten articles I consider my favorites out of everything

Top 10 Universal Basic Income Articles of 2023
Members Public

Top 10 Basic Income Articles of 2018

As a moderator of the /r/BasicIncome subreddit, I read a lot of links every year about UBI, probably around 100 per month. Once again, as I did last year, I've compiled a list of the ten articles/papers/reports I consider the most important to read out

Top 10 Basic Income Articles of 2018
Members Public

Top 10 Basic Income Articles of 2017

As a moderator of the /r/BasicIncome subreddit, I read a lot of links every year about the idea of unconditional basic income, hundreds actually. Once again, as I did last year, I've compiled a list of the ten articles/papers/reports I consider the most important to

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Top 10 Basic Income Articles of 2016

As a moderator of the /r/BasicIncome subreddit, I read a lot of links about the idea of basic income on a daily basis. If I were to guess a number for the quantity of them I read in 2016 that somehow involved or alluded to the idea of basic