Top Ten
Top 10 Universal Basic Income Articles of 2024
As the editor of Basic Income Today and a moderator for the Basic Income subreddit, I read a lot of stuff every year about UBI, somewhere around 100 articles a month. Below, I've compiled a list of the top ten articles I consider my favorites out of everything

Top 10 Universal Basic Income Articles of 2023
As the editor of Basic Income Today and a moderator for the Basic Income subreddit, I read a lot of stuff every year about UBI, somewhere around 100 articles a month. Below, I've compiled a list of the top ten articles I consider my favorites out of everything

Top 10 Basic Income Articles of 2018
As a moderator of the /r/BasicIncome subreddit, I read a lot of links every year about UBI, probably around 100 per month. Once again, as I did last year, I've compiled a list of the ten articles/papers/reports I consider the most important to read out

Top 10 Basic Income Articles of 2017
As a moderator of the /r/BasicIncome subreddit, I read a lot of links every year about the idea of unconditional basic income, hundreds actually. Once again, as I did last year, I've compiled a list of the ten articles/papers/reports I consider the most important to
Top 10 Basic Income Articles of 2016
As a moderator of the /r/BasicIncome subreddit, I read a lot of links about the idea of basic income on a daily basis. If I were to guess a number for the quantity of them I read in 2016 that somehow involved or alluded to the idea of basic