Proof of Humanity and the Universal Basic Income Coin
On March 10, 2021, Proof of Humanity’s UBI coin [https://blog.kleros.io/introducing-ubi-universal-basic-income-for-humans/] went live on the Ethereum Mainnet. For anyone who doesn’t know what that sentence means, it means that a cryptocurrency project was launched using the most popular smart contract blockchain in the world, with

Universal Basic Income Cryptocurrencies Like Manna are Pioneering the Way Towards Decentralized Targeting
I've provided an introduction to the cryptocurrency "Manna" in a previous blog entry [http://www.scottsantens.com/manna-universal-basic-income-cryptocurrency-whitepaper-news] , so if you've never heard of it, please start by reading that first, before coming back here to dive deeper. There's something about Manna
Whitepaper and wallet now available for Universal Basic Income cryptocurrency "Manna", formerly known as Grantcoin
On January 29, 2018, The People's Currency Foundation [http://peoplescurrency.org/] (a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit) published their whitepaper for Manna [http://www.grantcoin.org/documents/manna-whitepaper.pdf], a relaunching of the basic income cryptocurrency formerly known as Grantcoin [http://www.grantcoin.org/], which was